Superfos Mullsjö has three fresh certificates

Superfos Mullsjö has three fresh certificates

Comparable standards about quality, hygiene, environment and energy are helpful to you when you make decisions about your plastic packaging supply. Now, our facility in Mullsjö, Sweden, boasts three freshly issued certificates: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and BRC High Hygiene Category.

Are production conditions aligned with guidelines and best practices? Is there compliance with internationally recognised standards? As a manufacturer or retailer, you must pay attention to these factors when making a purchase decision about plastic packaging for your products, whether food or non-food. Superfos offers you peace of mind in this respect.

Beneficial to customers and operational procedures
Recently our Mullsjö facility in Sweden has achieved three fresh certificates, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and BRC Global standards. Johan Rosell, Site Manager, Superfos Mullsjö, comments:

“We are pleased to share the news about the fresh set of certificates and delighted with the fine results. We are regularly working with internal and external audits to become certified in core areas for our procedures. On the one hand, certificates provide our customers with decisive information, on the other hand standardised and lean operations are beneficial to our own level of efficiency and job satisfaction. This is a win-win situation all around.”

ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management
Superfos Mullsjö is now upgraded to meet the new Quality Management standard, ISO 9001:2015 and has passed the audit with flying colours. The fresh ISO 9001:2015 certificate has been issued by the quality assurance company DNV GL and is valid for a new three-year period. 

Environmental management system ISO 14001:2015
Further, our Mullsjö facility carefully manages its environmental responsibilities by measuring and improving the environmental impact of activities across the whole supply chain. The re-certification for the coming three-year period issued by DNV GL confirms that our Mullsjö facility meets the requirements from both customers and Swedish authorities.

BRC Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials Issue 5: July 2015
With an impressive Grade AA, auditors from the BRC certification body SAI Global recently concluded that Superfos Mullsjö meets the requirements set out in the BRC Global Standard in the High Hygiene Category.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions regarding the certification or the scope of activities at RPC Superfos in the fields of hygiene, environment, energy and quality. At the Downloads section on our website you can see all currently valid certificates.

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