Award for Design Excellence 2014

Award for Design Excellence 2014

The Norwegian Design Council has honoured a bespoke version of the SuperLock pack with an Award for Design Excellence 2014. The pack was jointly created by a trio: RPC Superfos, the agency Strømme Throndsen Design and Grilstad, producer of sliced salami.

Functionality is king, the jury of the Norwegian Design Council states in the grounds for giving the Award for Design Excellence 2014 to a bespoke version of SuperLock®with oxygen barrier, used for sliced salami.

The packaging solution is basically the already award-winning SuperLock pot, however adapted to the needs of Grilstad, a Norwegian producer of sliced salami. Simple - but original and smart - the lid of the pot is the bottom in the packaging solution. Besides being a twist-off screw-on lid, it works very well as a serving plate.

A totally new standard for the category
The Norwegian jury is full of praise. Here are the complete grounds for the award:

“Everyone welcomes the end of dry salami slices. Market insight has been transformed into a beautiful and pertinent product for the consumers. The packaging is apt both for storage and serving and is suitable for being placed directly on the table. This is an honest, innovative and different solution that provides us with a reason to choose this salami product from the shelves at the store. Here, the business and the design agency have fully risen to the challenge of making everyday life easier for the consumer. It is a simple and intuitive design which easily can be applied by the consumer and for other types of sliced, cold meat. The jury finds that Grilstad is setting a totally new standard for the category.”

Roy Engdal, Area Sales Manager at RPC Superfos Norway, is proud to share the honour with the producer of sliced salami Grilstad and the design agency Strømme Throndsen. He says:

“It is wonderful to get the acknowledgement from such a respected body as is the Norwegian Design Council, and on behalf of our customer Grilstad we are pleased with the positive response to the pack, which is also very popular among consumers.”

The award-winning packaging solution for Grilstad is the result of a conversion process from a flexible tear-open pack to an injection moulded plastic packaging solution with an oxygen barrier.

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