Salami: Upside down pot is on the up

Salami: Upside down pot is on the up

Knowing what the customers want and making it available to them is a great recipe for success for any business. Norwegian Grilstad found out that consumers prefer a screw lid for their pack with sliced salami. Now, they got it – in a pot turned upside down from RPC Superfos.

For decades, various types of sliced salami from Norwegian Grilstad have been popular in Norway. Now, the food producer reaps the benefits of a packaging conversion: The salami from Grilstad is on the up because of a new type of packaging that gives consumers what they want: A twist-off screw-on lid.

A consumer survey run on behalf of Grilstad showed very clearly that Norwegian consumers were not satisfied with the available packaging for salami. When getting the choice between different types of packaging, consumers preferred sliced salami in a packaging with a screw lid. The results were so clear-cut that Grilstad decided to act promptly with the goal of being the first on the market with this type of packaging. Though tough at times, the mission is now successfully completed.

Why SuperLock® ?
The prior pack for the salami was a flexible tear-open pack containing 100 gr. Assortment and Development Manager at Grilstad, Terje Sørnes, has been deeply involved in the conversion process. He says:

“We have received extraordinary positive reactions following the launch 1 September of our product in the new pack. Sales figures are quite satisfying for all three types of salami in the upside down SuperLock pot; Jubelsalami, Supersalami and Trønderfår.”

Terje Sørnes explains why the SuperLock pot was considered and selected:
“We chose the SuperLock pot because it is the only solution on the packaging market offering three desirable qualities all in one: an oxygen barrier, decoration with In-Mould Labelling and a twist-off screw-on lid. When we came up with the idea of using the pot upside down, we found it so obvious that we had to ask ourselves why no one had thought of this before.”

The lid is at the bottom
The packaging solution is basically the award-winning SuperLock pot, however adapted to the needs of Grilstad. As an example, the size is smaller so that is matches the amount of 120 gr and 150 gr sliced salami respectively. And then – simple, but original and smart - the lid of the pot is the bottom in this packaging solution. Besides being a lid, it works very well as a serving plate, so innovation and user-friendliness go hand in hand. The final design of the pot is a result of joint forces from Grilstad and RPC Superfos.

Terje Sørnes says about the cooperation:

“Working with RPC Superfos has been exciting and rewarding. The project was run with very tight deadlines to shorten the time-to-market. Thanks to our close cooperation it has been possible to deal with teething troubles and together we can be proud of the launch.”
Press coverage and social media traffic
Normally, news desks consider salami a low-interest topic. However, at the launch of the new packaging with twist-off screw-on lid press coverage for Grilstad’s product was massive.

“The attention that we got from the media was overwhelming,” says Terje Sørnes and explains:

“Thanks to the packaging, we received a great deal of coverage in major newspapers and news web sites. Also on our Facebook page, the new pack creates a lot of buzz. Practically all comments about the new pack are on a very positive note and we are very happy that the result of the survey matches the reality. People want salami with a twist-off screw-on lid.”

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