US: cool start-up with mix-ins for eggs

US: cool start-up with mix-ins for eggs

In only a few months, a new product category in a pack from Superfos is a clear success in the United States. Positioned right beside the eggs in supermarkets, Scramble™ -a vegetable mix for egg dishes - keeps attracting customers.

Even though it has only been on the market for a short time, the cool Scramble™ range, launched by the start-up company CleverFoodies, is now on shelf in more than 3,000 stores in the Unites States. Retailers include major American supermarkets such as SuperTarget and Publix.

The new food product consists of three varieties of all natural mix-ins of vegetables, herbs and spices. Scramble™ makes it easier to cook fast and delicious scrambled eggs, omelettes or fritattas. The principle is simple, yet very clever: whisk a few eggs with milk or water, add your favourite mix-in, cook and enjoy.

Format and feel of a jar
Regarding packaging, CleverFoodies has opted for the Superfos SuperLock® pot which has the format and feel of a jar, yet is made of plastic. With a double-sided print on the click-on screw lid, the pot allows maximum space to share brand messages and cooking instructions.

The varieties of the innovative vegetable mix -­ Leafy Greens, Rancheros or Mediterranean – are positioned in the refrigerated section right next to the eggs and have, in fact, created their own new product category for convenience food.

The pack conveys the quality of the product
Marc Gascon, the owner and co-founder of the start-up company CleverFoodies, explains why SuperLock® is the right packaging solution for Scramble™:

“The SuperLock® pack is new to the American market and therefore it is a good match for a new product category. The lid differentiates our products from others and its oxygen barrier gives us the desired shelf life.”

“Our products’ success rests on several factors: we bring something new, natural and tasty to the egg section in the counter. We have a partnership with leading egg distributors, and we have the right pack that lets us use clear and colourful illustrations and leaves space for cooking instructions. We are pleased with the SuperLock® pot which is eye-catching and conveys the quality of our product.”

Scramble™ from CleverFoodies has been on the weekly TV series Power Pitch on CNBC where founders of start-ups try to convince a panel of experts that their business has the necessary ingredients for success. CleverFoodies has not only convinced the panel, but also retailers and consumers in the United States and Canada.

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Berry CPNA
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Berry CPNA
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