Pet food: Hobbock container works a treat

Pet food: Hobbock container works a treat

Cat and dog owners appreciate convenience and safe storage of pet food pellets at home. This is why a French pet food producer treats returning customers to a sturdy Hobbock storage pail produced by Superfos, a Berry Global company.

Feeding your pet at home is a very regular task and should be easy to do. It certainly is, when you can grab the right amount of dry pet food from a sturdy plastic storage container. So now, Wisium France, a producer of pet food pellets for cats and dogs including the premium brand EVERLAND, has once again ordered a series of storage containers from Superfos, a Berry Global company. The order concerns the Hobbock pail, which is now used as a loyalty token, targeted at EVERLAND cat and dog food customers.

“We use the Hobbock pail as a gift offered to our returning customers. It is both a loyalty reward and a perfect promotional item supporting our brand EVERLAND which covers pet food pellets for cats and dogs. The pail is of great quality and very practical for storing and protecting pet food pellets,” says Elisabeth Thomas, Production Manager at Wisium France, the company behind the EVERLAND brand.

Matches the need for practical storage at home
The EVERLAND pet food is made from selected top-quality ingredients with high nutritional values. The products are sold in bags directly to pet owners through retailers in France. The size of the Hobbock container perfectly matches the need for storage space as it easily holds the pellets from a 15kg bag.

A pail which supports the pet food brand
The Hobbock pails for EVERLAND are produced with the advanced In-Mould label technique from Superfos. It allows for impeccable image quality decoration of the pail, letting pictures of cute cats and dogs spread feel-good vibrations at feeding time. In addition, the pail strongly supports the EVERLAND brand, as the pet food owners are repeatedly in visual contact with the brand.

Hobbock is a sustainable solution
The top-level quality of the pail and lid means that it is a durable and convenient solution for pet owners; it will serve its purpose year after year. Another key benefit is that the Hobbock storage container preserves the taste and quality of the pet food because it is 100 per cent airtight. The lid is easily removed and put on again, closing tightly. Hobbock is available in many sizes from 17.5 to 42 litres and made exclusively with PP (polypropylene), so it is perfectly suitable for recycling.

Long-standing business relationship
Elisabeth Thomas says that the promotional gift is a success and that the collaboration with Superfos is solid and excellent. The most recent order is based on the company’s positive prior experience with similar storage pails from Superfos.  So, Wisium France is a returning Superfos customer and future packaging projects in collaboration with Superfos are possible.

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Want to know more?

Nicolas Le Saux
Area Sales Manager
West of France
Phone: +33 6 38 33 38 79

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