Americans want spreadable butter in oval packs

Americans want spreadable butter in oval packs

In the United States, spreadable butter traditionally comes in oval packs. For the company Butterfields, the oval UniPak solution from RPC Superfos is coupled with success – not least when produced locally.

Square is for margarine while oval is for spreadable butter. Per tradition, these are the shapes used in the United States for packs in the butter and margarine segment. Currently, spreadable butter – which for decades has been a success in Europe – is the fastest growing product in its category in the United States.

Attractive shape with tamper evidence
For the German retailer Aldi, having more than 1,400 locations in the United States, the company Butterfields now produces private label spreadable butter with canola oil and olive oil; the products are sold in oval UniPak containers from RPC Superfos. The owner of Butterfields, James Douglas, recommended Aldi to apply the UniPak solution:

“The UniPak container from RPC Superfos is a high-quality, cost-efficient pack. The tamper evidence is perfect and the container has an attractive, oval shape matching its content. Also, the full wrap around in mould label leaves plenty of space for visual communication.”

US produced packaging
The packs are manufactured in Winchester, Virginia, not far from North Carolina, where Butterfields is based. Besides being happy with the qualities of the pack itself, James Douglas values the fact that the production of the packaging takes place at a location nearby:

“As of now, we get the UniPak containers from the RPC Superfos facility in Winchester, only a four hour drive from our site. The local production of packaging is a lot easier for us than having them shipped from Europe. The advantages are obvious in terms of delivery time, efficiency, logistics and costs.”

RPC Superfos has been present in the United States with a sales office since 2012, and since spring 2015 a brand new US facility has been up and running. The facility produces among other unique product lines the versatile UniPak solution.
Perfect artwork with IML
The UniPak container is available in an abundance of shapes and sizes: round, oval, rectangular and square. A visible deterrent to tampering is standard and the display surface is large and clear. With in-mould labelling (IML) the artwork design is rendered in a remarkably fine quality and shrink sleeves become superfluous.

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Want to know more?

Terry Sullivan
Sales & Business Development
Berry CPNA
Phone: +1 301 697 6307

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