
  • Want convenience? Packaging is key

    Our packaging solutions are convenient and ergonomic for your end-users.

  • Looking for alternatives?

    Plastic packaging has many benefits and is a true alternative for many segments. Easy handling, light weight, long shelf life and high stackability efficiency. There’s most likely something in it for you, too.

  • Dairy: Superfos launches pack for easy snacking

    An innovative and brand new packaging solution from Superfos is now available for the dairy segment. The stylish pack includes a convenient spoon and is in tune with consumer demand for more easy meals on-the-go.

Want to know more?

Zbigniew Hryniewicz
Sales Director
Berry Superfos
Phone: +48 54 4291000

Want to know more?

Birthe Bebe Nielsen
Product, Marketing &
Communications Director
Berry Superfos
Phone: +45 5911 1110

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Be square like me – it minimises your logistics costs. Get to know me better...

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Berry Superfos
Head Office
Spotorno Allé 8
DK-2630 Taastrup
General Inquiries
Phone: +45 5911 1110
Fax: +45 5911 1180
Sales Inquiries
Phone: +45 5911 1110
Fax: +45 5911 1180

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