New 3D Design Studio is ready for you now

New 3D Design Studio is ready for you now

Picture this: you now have access to a new interactive online universe where you can create and share your editable Superfos packaging design with your team and colleagues. It will shave weeks of your packaging development process. Plus, it is easy and efficient to use.

Our new Design Studio, an online 3D configurator for creating great packaging design, is ready for you today. This browser based interactive design universe will boost your creativity and enhance innovation.

Go creative and work fast
All you need to do to get started is to register as a user of the system and swiftly, your next packaging project online will begin to take shape. Simply select a packaging product among the many innovative Superfos product lines such as UniPak, SuperLift® and EasySnacking™. Then choose a volume, download the artwork template and start working on your packaging project in an art tool application such as Microsoft Paint 3D. Next step is to add your own packaging artwork, customise and look at what you have created. Do you like it? Does it meet your requirements and what do your team colleagues and managers think of it?

Save, share and edit
In the online Design Studio, you can mix and match packaging components, colours and artwork until you are happy with the result. Upload your artwork design to see what the final pack will look like in 3D – instantly and on your screen. Note that you can share editable designs with colleagues across categories and teams within or outside your company; in real time of course.

Birthe Bebe Nielsen, Divisional Product Manager, Sales & Marketing is pointing out some of the many advantages of the upcoming new Design Studio:

“Using the Superfos 3D Design Studio is very easy. You will intuitively know how to work with the design creation process. Another great advantage of the configurator is the option to save your design, share it and go back and develop it further – immediately or at a later stage. You may even create your own internal library of packs for future reference and developments.”

Work fast and save time
The new Design Studio is effortless to use, also for non-technical users, and makes it possible to combine various components such as lids and handles and play with colours. You may want to add graphics on both the top and the bottom of your packaging. You can select, swop and change pack components from a list of available options and colours. The entire range of options just waits for you to unleash your creativity.

“Superfos, a Berry Global company, is proud to offer this convincing online configurator to our customers, because it will allow for considerable time saving. In this way, we can help our customers to get a better product to market faster. Time is always of the essence,” Birthe Bebe Nielsen concludes.

Want to know more?

Birthe Bebe Nielsen
Product, Marketing &
Communications Director
Berry Superfos
Phone: +45 5911 1110

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