Never compromise on Food Contact Materials

Never compromise on Food Contact Materials

Food packaging products from Superfos are safe and in compliance with applicable legislation. To ensure independent and reliable testing of all Food Contact Materials (FCM), Superfos relies on the expertise of Eurofins Consumer Product Testing.

As a food producer, you know that Food Contact Materials (FCM) must meet a range of strict legislative requirements. Naturally, you are eager to safeguard consumer safety and demonstrate compliance. Superfos offers you peace of mind in this respect.

Third-party tests and analysis
Quality and hygiene throughout the Superfos production process is a top priority, as is compliance with the relevant European legislation in this area. For maximum credibility, reliability and expertise, Superfos relies on the independent Eurofins Consumer Product Testing:

“Superfos wholeheartedly prioritises food safety and we welcome the independent specialists from Eurofins Consumer Product Testing to perform all necessary tests, including thoroughly analysing all our combinations of polymers, master batch and labels,” says Michał Kamiński, Divisional Quality Manag­er at Superfos.

Superfos is in the lead
The Danish company Eurofins Consumer Product Testing is part of the global company Eurofins Scientific and ISO 17025 certified. Brian Jensen, Senior Consultant, M.Sc. Chemistry, is one of the specialists of Eurofins Consumer Product Testing, working with Superfos. He says:

“In the market of food packaging solutions, Superfos is in the lead when it comes to compliance testing. Superfos massively invests in third-party analysis and never compromises on food safety.” He continues:

“We are very pleased to have Superfos as one of our valued customers. They are very sincere about FCM compliance. Our recommendations are hardly ever questioned and deciding on what and how to test their food packaging solutions is left entirely up to us.”

Efficient and appropriate FCM Testing
Eurofins scrutinises the legislative requirements for FCM on an international level and determines which tests and screenings are necessary − no more and no less. Eurofins creates an overview of the product portfolio and carefully analyses all material of the Superfos plastic packaging products.

These are grouped and, for each group, appropriate test plans are developed. The Eurofins laboratories then perform the tests, including overall migration, specific migration, NIAS screenings (non-intentionally added substances) and content testing.

Safe and flexible innovation
At the Superfos Innovation Center, Randers, Denmark, food producers (and non-food producers, too!) can create their unique plastic packaging solutions in close collaboration with Superfos design engineers and technicians. The Eurofins test set-up allows for the safe combination of raw materials in a variety of ways for quick sample production at the Innovation Center – giving you peace of mind, creativity and flexibility for your next packaging project.

Want to know more?

Michał Kamiński
Regulatory Compliance Manager
Berry Superfos
Phone: +48 54 429 10 00

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