How to make a paint pack from a margarine tub

How to make a paint pack from a margarine tub

A short and scintillating video about the recyclability of plastic gives you some insight to the stages of the recycling process. The key message is clear: do not trash, recycle instead.

The journey of recycled plastic is smooth and systematised. A short video produced by RPC Group and Regain Polymers Ltd. shows how post-consumer packs, when recycled, can be used to manufacture new paint packs.

The video takes the viewer through the stages of the recycling process. The storyline is that the consumer, who put the margarine tub in a recycling bin, comes home with new paint in plastic containers that were once a margarine tub.

Katherine Fleet, RPC Group’s Sustainability Manager, says:

“Consumers like pots, tubs and trays of plastics (PTT) for their convenience and ease of use, so our video demonstrates that there is no stigma attached to using them, and that when they are finished with, they still have a valuable role and are not merely destined for landfill.”

Need for recycling facilities
Any recycling process begins with the consumer’s action and there is in fact a strong demand for the material. As such, the video encourages politicians to establish recycling facilities where these are not yet in place.

Mark Roberts, Sales Director at Regain Polymers, comments:

“Not many consumers are party to the recycling process or would even think beyond trashing the plastic container. This video takes the viewer into the world of recycling and how our process brings life back to waste.”

The RPC paint containers shown in the video currently incorporate 25% recycled material. This share is likely to increase, but ultimately the success of this development work will depend on the regular supply of quality used plastics.

Please take a few moments and view the video at

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Berry Superfos
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