Grand opening celebration at RPC Superfos Balkan

Grand opening celebration at RPC Superfos Balkan

From tough post-war conditions in Bosnia and flooding setbacks to impressive growth rates, RPC Superfos Balkan has made an incredible journey since trading as Helioplast. The grand opening of the newly build state-of-the-art facility in Gračanica took place 18 May 2017.

This spring RPC Superfos Balkan celebrated a milestone inaugurating its fully high-tech facility in Gračanica, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Despite past challenges, RPC Superfos Balkan may today proudly look back on an exciting journey which began in December 2013 when the company, then known as Helioplast, became part of the RPC Group.

Double-digit growth rate
At the time, RPC Group rightly saw great potential for Helioplast in the RPC Superfos Division, making it possible to offer a larger selection of high quality rigid plastic packaging solutions for customers in the wider Balkan region.

A EUR 3.3 million investment in the premises has now turned RPC Superfos Balkan into a modern production facility equipped with the very latest technology and IT control systems. The number of tons produced have increased by more than 75 per cent; from 2,600 in 2013 to 4,500 in 2016 and a growth of about 15 per cent is expected for 2017/18. Over the past few years, the company has experienced a double-digit growth rate and turnover in 2016 was nearly doubled compared to 2013.

René Valentin, CEO of RPC Superfos, is more than content with the progress from 2013 to 2017:

“We congratulate management and staff at RPC Superfos Balkan with the grand opening and wish them all the best for a continued successful development and prosperous business.”

Overcoming difficulties along the way
However, the exciting journey to today’s success story has not been without its challenges for RPC Superfos Balkan. The post-war conditions have been far from easy, with the added problem that extreme rain in 2014 has twice caused flooding of the newly-completed production facility. As a precaution, the floor height of the 3,000 m2 production area has recently been significantly raised. This preventive measure was completed in only seven months’ time.

Positive outlook for business
Regional Director, Jean Scandella, RPC Superfos French /South East, is pleased with the positive outlook for our business:

“Through the upgraded facilities and thanks to our dedicated staff at RPC Superfos Balkan, we are now in a strong position to meet the increased demand for plastic packaging in the greater Balkan region. We have achieved a great deal in short time and there is potential for more to come. Certainly, we are delighted with the spillover effect our success has on jobs and economic growth for the local community.”

The essential points
In December 2013, the RPC Group acquired the small family company Helioplast. Since July 2014, the company has been trading as RPC Superfos Balkan within RPC Superfos Region French/South East. Under the wings of RPC Superfos, the company has developed in leaps and bounds and is, today, acknowledged as a large and successful company with significant international business. Boasting 12,000 square meters and 30 injection machines, the modern facility is in an excellent position to pursue further growth.

On the grand opening celebration in May 2017, local business people, employees, customers, politicians as well as representatives of the Royal British Embassy were among the guests of the event hosted by René Valentin CEO of RPC Superfos, Jean Scandella, Regional Director Region French/South East, RPC Superfos and Suad Helić, Key Account Manager, former owner and Managing Director, RPC Superfos Balkan.

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Zbigniew Hryniewicz
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Berry Superfos
Phone: +48 54 4291000

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Birthe Bebe Nielsen
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Berry Superfos
Phone: +45 5911 1110

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