Berry Impact Report: these numbers are good news

Berry Impact Report: these numbers are good news

Superfos, a company of Berry Global, is pleased to share the Berry Impact Report 2019 with you. It highlights Berry Global’s sustainability strategy, goals and targets. Check out some key achievements here, including a new record for annual usage of recycled plastic.

The parent company of Superfos, Berry Global Inc., reports about progress and achievements in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in the Berry Impact Report 2019.

The focus areas are Products, Partners and Performance. At a glance, here are five facts conveying some of the notable Berry Global Achievements:

  • Reduced energy intensity by 3% between 2018-2019
  • Reduced water intensity by 12% between 2018-2019
  • Reduced landfill waste intensity from 0.83% in 2018 to 0.72% in 2019
  • Purchased over 70,000 tonnes of recycled plastic for use in products in FY 2019
  • Total reportable incident rate of 1.09 in 2019 down from 1.20 in 2018.

In addition, it is worth noting that Berry Global signed Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Global Commitment and the Alliance to End Plastic Waste as a founding member during 2019.

Berry is ahead of schedule
“In 2019, we introduced a number of new eco-conscious products and our teams around the world are finding ways to offer our customers more sustainable solutions. We set a new record for annual usage of post-consumer plastic within our organization and reduced our intensity across greenhouse gas emission, landfill waste, energy, and water. These successes have put Berry ahead of schedule for our Impact 2025 sustainability strategy,” comments Thomas E. Salmon, Chairman & CEO, Berry Global Group, Inc.

If you would like more information and details, please download the entire Impact Report 2019 here.

Want to know more?

Søren Rohleder
Berry Superfos
Phone: +49 40 8539 010

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