An all-time high for safety at Superfos

An all-time high for safety at Superfos

A stunning seven years have now passed during which Superfos Blackburn has not seen any lost time incident. This outstanding achievement stems from steady team effort and deserves broad recognition.

At the Blackburn facility of Superfos, a Berry Global company, employees and management are currently very proud of their amazing new safety record, with good reason. For seven years, the facility has now been up and running without any lost time incident. That’s exceptionally well done.

We give momentum to safety every day
Paul Davis, Health and Safety Officer at Superfos, Region UK, says:

“The all-time high for ensuring health and safety at our Blackburn facility makes me extremely proud. Seven years is a long time and our record result demonstrates that we give momentum to health and safety every single day. This high level of continued safety stems from steady team effort.”

This is how it’s done
Daily efforts and routine at the facility include completing safety audits, risk mapping, procedure observations, reporting hazards, and challenging people. The latter is about starting positive conversations with employees and colleagues to enforce and improve safety.

“Practising safety fully depends on the daily efforts of all of us at our Blackburn facility. The commitment from all employees is testament to this seven-year achievement. A big thanks goes to all at the site for working so safely. It is an important plus for every individual, for Superfos and our customers who expect us to be reliable and punctual,” Paul Davis points out.

The Blackburn facility has about 300 employees making it one of the largest Superfos workplaces. Besides the new safety record, the facility holds ISO 9001 Quality System, ISO 50001 Energy and BRC Hygiene Standard certificates.

Want to know more?

Paul Davis
Health & Safety Officer
Blackburn, UK
Phone: +44 1254 682298

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