A Scanstar goes to bespoke pot for dessert

A Scanstar goes to bespoke pot for dessert

In the Nordic packaging competition Scanstar, a bespoke pot for dessert from Finnish Valio is among the award winners. RPC Superfos has developed and produced the packaging which includes a release mechanism.

A new bespoke plastic pot for panna cotta with fruit sauce (a cream pudding dessert) has received a Scanstar for its innovative edge and value adding properties,

RPC Superfos Region Nordic has developed the award-winning solution on behalf of Finnish dairy producer Valio Ltd. for their lactose free dessert Valio Eila®. A special feature is the click-and-push spot at the bottom of the pot.

Decorative dessert in seconds
When it is time for dessert indulgence, the consumer will only have to take off the sealed foil, turn the pot upside down and then gently squeeze the bottom a few times. This will make the pot break in three places, and as the air gets in, the Valio Eila® panna cotta and the fruit sauce will gently come out. The result is a decorative instant dessert on a plate - appealing to all the senses.

New way to serve the content
The jury states the following reasons for honouring the bespoke pot with a Scanstar:

"The jury rewards this packaging with a Scanstar for being a new and innovative solution. It is a pack with added value, creating a new way to serve the content. The pack establishes interaction between the end-users and the brand owners. It is a functional result of new thinking and a step towards increased user-friendliness. How to serve the pudding is clearly described. The result becomes a pleasant plate presentation."

Both the dairy company Valio and RPC Superfos are thrilled about the award. Per Sollenby, Sales Director Food, RPC Superfos Region Nordic, says: 

"We highly appreciate receiving a Scanstar for the bespoke panna cotta packaging solution. It makes everyone who has worked on it proud and pleased."

Two Scanstar awards to RPC Superfos this year
In October the Scanstar award ceremony will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden, when another pack from RPC Superfos will be awarded a Scanstar prize as well. Consequently, both the EasySnacking™ pot for easy meals on-the-go and the bespoke solution for Valio Eila® panna cotta have a chance to win a WorldStar in the next round of the competition.

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