With weight reduction, less is more

With weight reduction, less is more

In respond to customers’ demand of a lighter and more environmentally friendly packaging, Italian Gruppo Francia now uses the SuperLight pot for Aldi’s private label mozzarella cheese, Cucina. The results include a more cost efficient packaging solution.

A reduced carbon footprint and a less heavy packaging. These parameters were on the wish list when the German discount supermarket chain Aldi asked the producer of their private label mozzarella cheese to look for a new packaging.

Gruppo Francia, one of the leaders of the Italian dairy segment, supplies Aldi in Southern Germany with mozzarella and certainly wanted to accommodate the customer. The choice fell on the pot SuperLight from RPC Superfos much to the likings of Aldi. Purchase Director and owner Fabrizio Francia from Gruppo Francia says:

“Obviously, we carefully considered our options on the packaging market. The tipping point in favour of SuperLight consisted of two things: the possibility to have the private label Cucina immaculately displayed on the pot and the reduced amount of virgin polypropylene per unit.”

Thin, single (material) and good looking
The new packaging, the SuperLight pot, is considerably lighter in weight than the prior pot - actually less than half the weight. This means a reduction of the total costs for the packaging.

“We have worked with RPC Superfos for many years and we know that we get quality and innovation. The SuperLight pot allows for substantial weight savings which leads to a more cost efficient packaging solution. Also the CO2 emission connected to the packaging has decreased,” Fabrizio Francia points out.

Further, SuperLight is made of one single material, so putting the pot in the right recycling bin after use is easy. Another positive aspect is that SuperLight can be decorated with In-Mould Labelling. This gives a high quality image resolution rendering the artwork design on the pot in the best possible way.

Aldi reports that Cucina mozzarella cheese in the SuperLight pot already delivers good sales figures.

Supplier to Italian Pizza Makers
Gruppo Francia is a family owned business specialised in mozzarella cheese holding three factories, including one in Germany. Besides supplying all major supermarket chains in Europe with mozzarella cheese products, Gruppo Francia is an official supplier to the Association of Italian Pizza Makers.

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