Up-to-date packaging for authentic sourdough

Up-to-date packaging for authentic sourdough

The older the sourdough, the better the bread. Thanks to the right kind of packaging, bread lovers can skip years of preparation and buy pre made sourdough at the supermarket.

Just about anywhere in Sweden you will find sourdough at the cold counter in the supermarket. It comes in a SuperLock pot from RPC Superfos which is particularly suitable to extend the freshness of the product. The liquid sourdough is produced by the Swedish company KåKå that specialises in products for bakeries and also has a product line for consumers.

Pot with almost no oxygen transmission
With sourdough you can bake your own bread and obtain a tangy taste and chewy texture. In sourdough terms, the older the starter, the better the bread tastes. Some bread lovers prefer to start their own sourdough; others prefer to skip the hassle and the wait and opt for a reliable one in a practical plastic pot from the supermarket. The fluid sourdough from KåKå has become increasingly popular because it provides for a great taste and is and easy to use.

KåKå has outsourced the filling of the sourdough into the SuperLock pot to their production partner Trensums, Sweden. Executive chairman and one of the main owners of Trensums Stefan Hamrin says:

“SuperLock has the same barrier protection as glass and is therefore a perfect match for sourdough. It offers very low oxygen transmission rates and at the same time logistical advantages thanks to low weight and stackability.”

In-Mould labelling ensures a perfect look
Stefan Hamrin emphasises that the SuperLock pot also looks very good on shelves. KåKå’s sourdough comes in two decoration designs, one for rye, one for wheat and both have a weight of 150 gr.

“With In-Mould Labelling the result becomes much better than with an ordinary label. It enables KåKå to use the pot for communicating with the customers and sharing great bread recipes with them,” Stefan Hamrin explains and ads that he is very happy about the cooperation with RPC Superfos Region Nordic.

Trensums is the production partner for several worldwide food producers and fills a range of food products in SuperLock pots, including dips, sauces and jam.

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