Sole plastic packaging provider for herring

Sole plastic packaging provider for herring

What criteria do you use for selecting your packaging provider? To the Danish herring producer Tenax, high quality pails, consistency of supply and straightforward cooperation are decisive points. Today, Superfos is the sole supplier of Tenax plastic packs.

Top-quality herring, pickled, cured or fermented the old-fashioned way for both retailers and the foodservice industry - such is the business of Tenax, one of Denmark’s finest producers of herring products. Targeted at the foodservice industry, Tenax uses the SuperFlex® plastic pails from Superfos, now the sole supplier of plastic packaging.

Consistency of supply is an asset
Claus Thyrre, Key Account Manager at Tenax says:

“When we acquired Lykkeberg, a business similar to ours, it was time to reconsider our packaging logistics. Our choice fell on Superfos. The SuperFlex® packaging works impeccably in our production and we value the consistency of supply.”

“For our logistics, we need to keep a stable number of packs in stock; never too few and never too many. Working with Superfos means that we can strike this balance. And it is a pleasure to do business with Superfos – we appreciate their dedication and expertise as well as their straightforwardness.”

Top quality herring in top quality pails
As the herring product from Tenax is the very finest, made with heartfelt passion, the pack must convey this superior quality. The user-friendly liquid-tight SuperFlex® pail sends all the right signals, and is embellished with In-Mould Labelling.

Plastic means safety in the kitchen
“The vast options for creating the artwork design allows us to show kitchen managers and catering officers new and exciting ways to serve herring,” says Claus Thyrre. He also comments on the core benefits of plastic packaging:

“Plastic is lightweight and therefore easy to transport. And, more importantly, it does not break. Working with our herring products in professional kitchens must be safe and with SuperFlex® there is no risk of broken glass.”

The corporate history of Tenax spans almost 120 years. Today, the company employs between 65 and 100 employees, depending on the season - the fourth quarter being most busy, as Danes have a long tradition for savouring loads of herring in December. Enjoy!

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Want to know more?

Sten Meldgaard
Area Sales & KA Manager
Phone: +45 4027 2048

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