New design and light barrier refreshes butter

New design and light barrier refreshes butter

A range of butter products are re-launched in a thin walled packaging from RPC Superfos. The solution not only includes a sleek customised design, but also a light barrier for longer shelf life and enhanced product quality.

Same great product in a new great packaging. This was the essence of a competitive tender from a dairy producer which RPC Superfos Region Nordic won. The pivotal elements of the successful bid were a customised design made of thin walled PP including a light barrier.

TWP includes light barrier
The butter products in the new packaging are now in stores and thanks to the light barrier both the shelf life and the product quality has been enhanced. Light exposure may cause reactions that mean damage to flavour and vitamin content. This is why the efficient and protective light barrier plays an important role in the packaging.

The chosen material is thin walled PP (TWP) and provides for a strong and stable container of very light weight. Despite the thin structure, the packaging is stable at the filling line, on the shelf and at home.
“Our technical solution concerning the light barrier and new design meet the high requirements of dairy producers,” says Per Sollenby, Sales Director for RPC Superfos Region Nordic.

The previous type of packaging was a combi-pack consisting of paper and film. Now, the new packaging is made of one material only which makes recycling easy.

New stylish design
The new customised packaging design includes a little tap looking like a drop. It has a dual function: the end user will intuitively know where to open the packaging and will quickly recognise the packaging because of its distinctive character.

The TWP solution is produced at the production lines in Mullsjö of RPC Superfos Region Nordic. These are completely automated, including a vision system and auto pack set-up.

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