New bespoke pack is more than just a facelift

New bespoke pack is more than just a facelift

Valio, the market leader in Finland of fresh dairy products, turned to RPC Superfos for a high quality enhancement of its prior pack for butter spreads. The result is an eye-catching pack with great functionality.

In Finland, fresh dairy products are associated with Valio Oivariini® – the most preferred spread brand in Finland. Valio Ltd. is the biggest milk producer in Finland producing fresh dairy products including butter, cheese and spreads and the key value of the company is neatly put into four powerful words “We make the best.”

Well-known supplier delivers to well-known brand
Being a market leader obliges; also in respect of delivering high packaging quality. This is why Valio Ltd. turned to RPC Superfos for the development of a fresh bespoke pack when the company had decided to re-launch the Valio Oivariini®spread. Vice President Tanja Virtanen-Leppä, Packaging Development, at Valio Ltd. explains:

“We see RPC Superfos as a well-known supplier of injection moulded plastic packaging and know that we get solutions on a high technological level from them. So, RPC Superfos was an obvious choice, when we wanted to enhance the existing Valio Oivariini®packaging design.”

Visual impact on shelf
The objective of changing the pack was to keep the Valio Oivariini® design elements, but still to modernise it. The new packaging should render an increased shelf appeal by creating a stronger visual impact and an attractive look.

“The result is very pleasing. The new bespoke pack is more than just a facelift. We appreciate the special design that makes it easy to take off the lid and also the colour coding for the lid. Further, the countless options for decoration in high quality print for the entire packaging add value,” says Tanja Virtanen-Leppä and continues:

“End-users as well as our distributors now find it easier to recognize our different varieties on shelf so the new bespoke pack meets our objective.”

Working together
The bespoke pack is a result of a close cooperation during a long-term project in which key people from the Valio manufacturing plant worked closely with the RPC Superfos team. Tanja Virtanen-Leppä says:

“We have enjoyed smooth project management with clear-cut plans, timelines and responsibilities.”

Valio has invested in outdoor and online advertising as well as TV commercials to support the launch of the new pack. In this way, the new high quality packaging reinforces the position of Oivariini® as the number one spread brand in Finland. Learn more about Valio here:

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