Have you heard about the click-sound?

Have you heard about the click-sound?

A friendly acoustic indication lets the consumer know that the twist-off screw-on lid of the SuperLock pot has been properly closed. This re-closing functionality intrigued Austrian food producer Wojnar and the company is now using the award-winning pot for a range of hummus.

The most important person for your business is your customer - the end-user of your product. So when you know that the end-user will savour your product over several days and put it back in the fridge many times, there is a good reason to focus on high user-friendliness in this respect.

Hummus is typically a product used little by little. The Austrian family owned food producer Wojnar’s Wiener Leckerbissen Delikatessenerzeugung has successfully launched their hummus under the brand Green Heart in a series of four variations: Natur, Pomodori Secchi, Marrakesch and Lemon Coriander. All are organic and vegan and come in a 150 g SuperLock pot.

Sounds good to a demanding segment
The Purchase Department for the organic products at Wojnar points out that the company selected the SuperLock pot from RPC Superfos, because it is made of plastic and has an easy opening and re-closing functionality.

According to Wojnar, the Greenheart hummus range targets the organic and vegan customer segment which tends to be quality conscious above average. This is why not only the hummus itself but also the pot has to be exceptional. To reflect the value of the product, Wojnar decided to use the SuperLock pot. The food producer finds that the solution works very well and emphasises the twist-off screw-on lid which makes a reassuring sound when closed correctly.

Fresh between servings
The SuperLock pot ensures that the hummus stays fresh between servings and avoids food waste. Also, with in-mould labelling the graphic representation of the artwork design becomes outstanding. SuperLock has been awarded several international prizes, among them a WorldStar and an iF Award, not least due its extremely low oxygen transmission rates.

Wojnar’s Wiener Leckerbissen Delikatessenerzeugung GmbH sells the Green Heart hummus range through health food shops and the supermarket chain Merkur, owned by the REWE Group Austria.

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