Great start for new soups in plastic pots

Great start for new soups in plastic pots

A convincing packaging solution is part of the recipe for launching a new business in the food segment. Polish Pan Pomidor & Company has started well using the RingLock® pot from RPC Superfos for a series of new tasty vegetable soups.

A great idea, excellent suppliers and finally a convincing packaging solution. Combining these three ingredients was roughly how Pan Pomidor & Company got started. The company, which operates in Poland, recently launched a series of delicious vegetable soups without any artificial flavours or colours in a RingLock® pot from RPC Superfos, targeting consumers who value high quality products and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Finding the right solution
After considering a range of alternatives such as other plastic pots, paper and aluminium, the RingLock pot was selected as the optimal packaging solution for the soups. Pan Pomidor & Company is particularly happy about RingLock because of its transparency and rigid quality; the food producer also values the tamper evidence, the stability on the filling line, the light weight and the outstanding visual impact on shelf. The artwork design and the brand name Pan Pomidor have been created by the brand & design agency Touchideas.

“We all know that real vegetables are imperfect and so we decided that the artwork should show hand drawn illustrations of vegetables as they really are. In this way, the pot and the label look simple and honest – in fact, just like the soups. The intentional imperfection of the vegetables, however, is rendered in a perfect way with an impressive finish and sharp graphic detailing,” Pawel Urbanek points out. He is the founder of the start-up company.

Potato - tomato
Pawel Urbanek explains what made him choose the name Pan Pomidor for the newly founded company:

“Pan Pomidor is Polish and means ‘Mr. Tomato’. While you may associate Poland with potatoes rather than tomatoes, the truth is that most people in Poland prefer tomatoes. So bearing that in mind, we named the company Pan Pomidor.”

Despite its name, Mr. Tomato & Company offers a range of vegetable soups; all with a twist: beetroot with horseradish, carrot with ginger, broccoli with spinach and of course the flagship: tomato with basil.

“We care for our vegetable suppliers and they care for our vegetables. We closely cooperate with them; we know them very well and this is why we get vegetables of the best quality only. So of course, our packaging solution had to be in line with these values,” he says.

Good packaging is persuasive
The strategy was to invest in good packaging and design to catch the eye of potential customers - and it has worked well. Since the launch, the reactions from distributors have been very positive.

“The packaging must convince the customer to try out our soup. We trust that once they have savoured it, they come back for more,” Pawel Urbanek says and makes a comment about the cooperation with RPC Superfos:

“RPC Superfos has been very attentive and strongly believed in the business potential of our soups from the very beginning, where all we had was an idea – there was no product at all. Nevertheless, we received the necessary support at all times; RPC Superfos was very flexible and delivered exactly the solutions we needed during the process from idea to launch. We are pleased about our cooperation and wish that we could work in the same way with all other suppliers and business partners.”

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Want to know more?

Zbigniew Hryniewicz
Sales Director
Berry Superfos
Phone: +48 54 4291000

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