Fine food producer grows with SuperLock

Fine food producer grows with SuperLock

On its way to growth and expansion, the Spanish food producer Casa Ametller swapped plastic bottles and doy-packs with the SuperLock® pot from RPC Superfos. The new packaging solution is used for cold and hot soups in the premium segment.

A new business development project run at the Spanish food producer Casa Ametller has involved a new packaging solution for a range of cold and hot soups. First, the company’s soup range was rather small; now it has expanded into no less than 11 different types of flavours – and the SuperLock® pot from RPC Superfos is part of the success story.

High quality clearly communicated
The prior packaging solutions in the form of plastic bottles and doy-packs were produced in-house and worked fine; however, they were not the high class solution that Casa Ametller wanted to offer. Albert Massaneda, team member of new Development at Casa Ametller, says:

“In line with an overall growth and expansion strategy, we wanted to obtain more customer attention and obviously sell more soups. Through the SuperLock® pot with in-mould labelling we can clearly communicate the high quality of our soups. We appreciate the rigid plastic solution as well as the increased shelf life that our soups get with this pot.”

Casa Ametller is a family owned company established in 2001. Besides producing a range of high quality fine food products, the company has its own retail stores. Within only a few years, Casa Ametller has opened no less than 74 stores mainly in the Catalonian Region near Barcelona, Spain. The soups have only recently been launched in Spain, Switzerland and Germany.

Premium customer experience
As a soup producer, Casa Ametller values that the SuperLock pot is suitable for hot filling and autoclaving in the process line. Thinking of the end-users, the company also appreciates the premium customer experience that the SuperLock®pot gives. Albert Massaneda highlights how easy it is to open and re-close the pot thanks to the click-on screw-off lid, and further, he points out the membrane, which can effortlessly be peeled off. Concerning the cooperation with the company’s new packaging provider RPC Superfos, he also makes a positive remark:

“Working with RPC Superfos has been a pleasure. We have received competent service in a proper way and all the support that we needed. It takes some time to implement a packaging project from start to launch; however, looking at the great result, I would not have done it any other way.”

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Want to know more?

Ignacio Igea
Sales Director
Spain & Portugal
Phone: +34 948 321 709

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