Emballage 2014: New LongLife™ pack handpicked to showcase innovation

Emballage 2014: New LongLife™ pack handpicked to showcase innovation

Being a perfect alternative to aluminium trays, the new LongLife™ packaging solution for wet pet food has been officially selected for display in the PACK INNOVATON AREA at Emballage 2014.

A dedicated showcase area for packaging solutions that are particularly innovative is a highlight for all visitors at the Emballage exhibition in Paris – the PACK INNOVATION AREA. This year, you will find a new up-to-date packaging solution from RPC Superfos developed especially for wet pet food: LongLife™. It is a square plastic pack suitable for autoclave. The pack has a UV light barrier protection and an oxygen barrier for extended shelf life.

Find out more at stand 6H 116
An international jury made up of journalists specialised in packaging has selected LongLife™ to be on display at the prestigious space for the latest innovations and tendencies within the packaging world. RPC Superfos invites you to visit not only the PACK INNOVATION AREA, but also our stand 6 H 116 at Emballage in Paris where our competent trade fair team will be ready to talk to you about the many benefits that come with LongLife™.

LongLife™ pack for wet pet food
LongLife™ is in fact an excellent alternative to the traditional aluminium tray. The design of the pack gives pet owners the right level of convenience in terms of functionality and protection of the content. It comes in a perfect size for smaller single serve meals: 115 ml (or 100 g). The pack is re-closable which means that pet owners can avoid fridge odours from any leftovers; all the customer has to do is re-close the pack, and the lid will prevent odour transmission.

Picture perfect
With in-mould labelling anything is possible as to the artwork of your pack: whether you want to show a perfect picture of pet food bites; insert a clear nutritional table or pictures of adorable pets, you get premium printing quality on all surfaces.

Strong innovative dimension
The PACK INNOVATION AREA puts products on display that have a strong innovative dimension and offer high quality. So the new LongLife™ packaging is worth considering if you aim to make consumers pay special attention to your wet pet food product.

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