RecyClass certificates

RecyClass certificates

Berry Superfos holds RecyClass certification, meeting the growing demand for traceability of recycled content in non-food packaging. Opt for our premier Recyclass-certified solutions, setting the standard for responsible packaging.

The Berry Superfos facilities in La Genête, Pamplona and in Lubien are RecyClass certified. This certification addresses the increasing customer demand for transparency in showcasing the recyclability and recycled content of their non-food product packaging.

RecyClass is a voluntary, cross-industry initiative in Europe, promoting plastic packaging recyclability and traceability of plastic waste. The certification process involved meticulous preparation to ensure compliance with industry standards.

With the RecyClass label on non-food packaging pails, customers can make credible claims about utilising up to 80% Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) material in their solutions.

The RecyClass certification aligns with the EU's 2030 objective to make all plastic recyclable and reusable. As some countries impose special taxes on non-reusable plastic packaging, transparency regarding recyclability and recycled content becomes crucial.

Our RecyClass certification empowers our customers to showcase the recyclability and recycled content of their plastic packaging solutions and be part of the change in the EU.

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Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ?

Sebastien Morey
Operations Director
Berry Superfos
Phone: +33 385 32 2755

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ?

Jamie Riley
Sustainability Manager
Berry Superfos
Phone: +44 7534 018 301

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