Premium packs for Premium ice cream

Premium packs for Premium ice cream

Diplom-IS looked for a customised solution for its Premium ice cream range and with Superfos found what it was looking for

New delicious ice cream flavours made from local berries. What kind of packaging would be ideal for this fantastic treat? This was the question that Norwegian ice cream producer Diplom-IS came to Superfos with in their search for new packaging for its two new ice cream ranges: Royal Premium and Grand Premium.

Marketing Manager Erik Sverresen, Diplom-IS, says:

“We were looking for a new kind of plastic packaging that our customers would find elegant enough to take from the freezer and place directly on the dinner table. The new range offers exciting flavour combinations which the packaging should match.”

Cooperation led to customised solution
A smooth cooperation between Diplom-IS, the well-known designer Johan Werde, and Superfos led to the creation of the new customised packaging. Superfos provided technical input to optimise the design, technical drawings and a brand new mould.

“The process went very well, and we are absolutely satisfied with the result. Superfos was creative, flexible, meticulous and excellent in its project coordination,” Erik Sverresen says.

The new ice cream ranges have now been more than well received by the consumers.

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Clarisse Guerin
Area Sales & Key Account Manager Non-Food
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