Practical containers for disinfectant wipes

Practical containers for disinfectant wipes

There is an unprecedented demand for speedy and effective cleaning in several industries and wipes are a convenient way to maintain a high hygiene standard.

New packaging for hygiene products
There is an unprecedented demand for speedy and effective cleaning in several industries and wipes are a convenient way to maintain a high hygiene standard.Now, producers of disinfectant wipes can opt for practical, hygienic and strong packaging solutions for wipes – wet or dry – which prevent contamination in particular in health care, food processing, dairy and the HORECA business. Superfos, a Berry Global company, has developed anew range of containers for wipes. Choose between containers with a plastic handle on collar and containers with a hanging plastic handle. The new packaging solution is a special refinement of the Paintainer® and SuperLift® range.

The regular colour of the container and lid is white,however, available in other colours from the Superfos colour range. The cap comes in white, dark blue or red.The pail can be decorated with In-Mould Labelling or offset depending on the base you choose.

Dispenser lid
The dispenser lid has a resealable cap which offers convenient functionality. The minimum order quantity is 10,000 pieces.

According to your and your customers’ needs you can choose between small, medium and large size containers ranging from 2.1 to 14.0 litres. The dispenser lid is available in several diameters: For the SuperLift range, the diameters are 198, 226, 267 and 293 mm. For the Paintainer range, the diameter is 180 mm.

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Antonio Fallanca
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Phone: +39 0542 670 480

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Phone: +39 0542 670 480

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