Berry Superfos

Berry Superfos

Berry Superfos is divided into five areas.

Nordic covers Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Our facilities for this area are situated in Denmark (Randers and Stilling) and Sweden (Mullsjö and Lidköping).

Nordic has Distribution Centres in Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

Our customer e-newsletter appears in English in this area. Sign up to receive inspiration and new ideas for superb packaging solutions for your products.

Central comprises Germany, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Lithuania and Ukraine.

Here Berry Superfos has facilities in Germany (Bremervörde and Opfenbach (mould shop only)), Poland (Lubień Kujawski, Poznań and Kruszwica) and Belgium (Wetteren). We also have a sales office in Germany (Hamburg).

Our customer e-newsletter appears in English, German and in Polish in this area. Sign up to receive inspiration and new ideas for superb packaging solutions for your products.

South covers France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium (French speaking part), Switzerland (French speaking part), Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Israel, Middle East, Albania, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia and Kosovo. 

In this area Berry Superfos has facilities in France (La Genête and Besançon), in Spain (Pamplona) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Gračanica), while we have a sales office in Italy. The Distribution Centres are placed in France, Spain, Italy and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Our customer e-newsletter appears in French, Spanish, Italian and English in this area. Sign up to receive inspiration and new ideas for superb packaging solutions for your products.

UK covers The United Kingdom and Ireland.

Our facilities for this area are situated in Blackburn, Kenfig and Oakham and they also act as Distribution Centres.

Our customer e-newsletter appears in English in this area. Sign up to receive inspiration and new ideas for superb packaging solutions for your products.

Food Service
Our Food Service facilities are situated in Netherlands (Deventer), Norway (Kristiansand) and in France (Bouxwiller). These facilities also act as Distribution Centres.

Our customer e-newsletter appears in English in this area. Sign up to receive inspiration and new ideas for superb packaging solutions for your products.

Ne vuoi sapere di più?

Antonio Fallanca
Area Sales Manager & Sales office responsible
Phone: +39 0542 670 480

Ne vuoi sapere di più?

Mirko Todeschi
Business Development Manager
Phone: +39 0542 670 480

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I’m a true alternative to usual paint containers. I can be superbly decorated to attract real attention. Get to know me better...

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Customizzazione Custom containers promote uniqueness

Custom containers promote uniqueness

If you’re looking for packaging to add uniqueness to your brand, you’ve come to the right place.

Berry Superfos
Head Office
Spotorno Allé 8
DK-2630 Taastrup
General Inquiries
Phone: +45 5911 1110
Fax: +45 5911 1180
Sales Inquiries
Phone: +45 5911 1110
Fax: +45 5911 1180

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