Cream cheese remains fresh in tight packs

Cream cheese remains fresh in tight packs

Croatian market leader in processed cheese, Zdenka, has chosen our UniPak line to make sure its cream cheese stays fresh.

When Zdenka decided to redesign its packaging for cream cheese, the company carefully examined its options. The choice fell on Superfos UniPak 5221 and UniPak 2015 because they are liquid tight and easy to store both on supermarket shelves and in household refrigerators.

Zdenka is one of the most popular brands in the Adriatic region. The dairy specialist has been in the market for more than 100 years and for many, Zdenka is a synonym for processed cheese.

 “With our long history and our customers’ expectations to our brand we must constantly develop and offer attractive products in attractive packaging. Superfos was the obvious choice. We were triggered by their know-how, their quality products and high level of service,” says Mrs. Alenka, Head of Marketing, Zdenka.

UniPak for fresh cheese

The UniPak containers have exceptionally good barrier properties and this is one of the features that will help Zdenka uphold its strong market position. The cream cheese will stay fresh on the supermarket shelves and in people’s home. The packs open and close easily and allow for optimised pallet utilisation.

Zdenka uses one million UniPak containers annually.

Ne vuoi sapere di più?

Antonio Fallanca
Area Sales Manager & Sales office responsible
Phone: +39 0542 670 480

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Mirko Todeschi
Business Development Manager
Phone: +39 0542 670 480

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