Twist cup nominated for FoodTech Award 2016

Twist cup nominated for FoodTech Award 2016

Top rated for its news value, a bespoke twist cup with screw lid from RPC Superfos and RPC Promens is nominated for the Danish FoodTech Award 2016.

A bespoke packaging solution for salads from Orkla Foods Norway – a twist cup with screw lid –  has been picked out among 78 competing entries, and is now one of eight finalist eligible for the Danish FoodTech Award 2016.

Though not in itself a new feature, a twist-off lid in the salad segment is extraordinary. Another aspect of the convenient and lightweight packaging is that it combines two different technologies and two different resin materials. While the PET twist cup is thermoformed, the lid is made of injection moulded PP.

RPC Superfos and RPC Promens have developed the solution in cooperation with Orkla Foods Norway. Søren Marcussen, CSO, RPC Superfos, says:

“Being shortlisted for the FoodTech Award is a pleasant recognition for all of us. A massive team effort goes behind the development of the new pack for Orkla. We have benefited from a range of capabilities and combined different technologies to supply our customer with an outstanding pack.”

The twist cup with screw lid has already received recognition from the professional packaging trade as it holds a ScanStar 2016, a Nordic packaging prize. The new nomination honour is shared with other product news in various categories and the winner will be announced 1 November 2016 in connection with the FoodTech trade fair in Herning, Denmark.

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Zbigniew Hryniewicz
Sales Director
Berry Superfos
Phone: +48 54 4291000

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Birthe Bebe Nielsen
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Berry Superfos
Phone: +45 5911 1110

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