Superfos launches new website

Superfos launches new website

Our web site and newsletter have been revamped: Better structure, design and text make it more user-friendly. Please browse through the new and enter our web launch competition. You have the chance to win an iPod nano.

We are proud to present the new web site of Superfos. It has a fresh new look and a more clear structure that will make it easier for you to get acquainted with our packaging solutions – standard or customised.

Get inspired by case stories about packaging solutions in various industries and see what we can do for your segment in terms of packaging. Any questions or requests? On our new site you can easily locate the right contact person in your area. We’ve added names, contact details and photos of sales directors near you.

Win an iPod nano
We hope that the new site is to your liking and that you will take a few minutes to enter our web launch competition: You may become the lucky winner of the new iPod nano 8GB with Multi-Touch if you send us the correct answers to five multiple choice questions.

The quiz is on until 31 March 2011. Don’t forget to indicate your name, title, company and contact details. You are more than welcome to invite your colleagues and friends to participate as well but please note that they need to be registered on our newsletter mailing list to enter the competition.

The winner will be found by draw in the beginning of April and will be contacted directly.

Give it a go and enjoy the tour!

Want to know more?

Zbigniew Hryniewicz
Sales Director
Berry Superfos
Phone: +48 54 4291000

Want to know more?

Birthe Bebe Nielsen
Product, Marketing &
Communications Director
Berry Superfos
Phone: +45 5911 1110

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Custom Custom containers promote uniqueness

Custom containers promote uniqueness

If you’re looking for packaging to add uniqueness to your brand, you’ve come to the right place.

Berry Superfos
Head Office
Spotorno Allé 8
DK-2630 Taastrup
General Inquiries
Phone: +45 5911 1110
Fax: +45 5911 1180
Sales Inquiries
Phone: +45 5911 1110
Fax: +45 5911 1180

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