Superfos Blackburn retains BRC Grade AA

Superfos Blackburn retains BRC Grade AA

Top quality and top hygiene are always on the agenda at RPC Superfos. Recently, a BRC Global Standard Certificate was re-issued in favour of RPC Superfos Blackburn with an inspirational Grade AA. Further, the facility retains its ISO 9001:2015 certificate.

Compliance with internationally recognised quality and hygiene standards is considered a core competence at Superfos. You, our customers, can rest assured that we live up to the highest expectations.

A recent example is the Blackburn facility in the UK, which now retains a BRC Global Standard Certificate Issue 5: July 2015 High Hygiene Category with the top grade for a scheduled audit: AA. Of equal importance is the re-issued ISO 9001:2015 certificate, also covering hygiene and quality.

Andy Bloor, Regional Director, Superfos UK, says:

“Independent BRC auditors measure our quality and hygiene against 600 criteria and, this year, they only found three minor non-conformities at our site. This is a great result and a credit to the Quality Assurance Team and our Process Leaders who push for continual improvement on a daily basis.”

ISO 9001:2015 certification
Another audit concerned quality management processes and customer focus within the framework of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. Following the inspection by independent auditors, our Blackburn facility also holds a ISO 9001:2015 certification valid until December 2019.

At any time, you can check our certified standards with an updated overview of the  Superfos certificates at our website in the Download section.

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