Record-breaking safety achievement in Bremervörde

Record-breaking safety achievement in Bremervörde

Berry Superfos is happy to announce that 12 years have passed without any reportable accidents at our Bremervörde Print facility. This landmark record stems from consistent compliance with the occupational safety policy by all employees.

Berry Superfos Bremervörde Print in northern Germany manufactures pre-printed material for lid production at other Berry Superfos facilities. Now, the facility is also able to deliver a shining new safety record – 12 years or 4,383 days have passed without any reportable accidents.

Work place safety is crucial for all – customers included
Naturally, the new safety record is a cause for celebration at Berry Superfos, but it is also a noteworthy achievement benefitting our customers. Thorsten Reck, Health and Safety Manager at Berry Superfos Bremervörde Print, says:

“We know that companies today – including our customers – require accountability as well as high standards in this EHS area. We are happy to showcase that we deliver extremely well on EHS and that our facility is a safe place to visit. Also, high safety standards usually entail high quality products; at our facility this means top notch pre-printed materials which are used for lids of the same high quality.”

High safety level requires great teamwork
According to Volker Engelmann, plant manager at Berry Superfos Bremervörde Print, safety is a matter of teamwork:

“We place emphasis on continuously improving the quality of our safety measures in order to maintain the level of safety awareness already achieved. Technical, practical and theoretical training of our employees is crucial for our high safety standards, as is great teamwork. It does not matter what function an employee has, everyone has their eyes and ears open in all directions with regard to occupational safety and teamwork  ensures everyone’s safety.”

Safety first across the board
Berry Superfos has celebrated two other record-setting safety achievements this year. Earlier on, Kruszwica facility, Poland, made it to 10 years without reportable accidents, and our facility in Blackburn, UK, set an 8-year record without any recordable accidents. In fact, EHS work has high priority at all 24 Berry Superfos facilities across Europe. They are all audited according to the Blue audit scoring model and hold several certifications.

Want to know more?

Hauke Dieckmann
Factory Manager
Region Central
Phone: +49 4761 860-0

Want to know more?

Volker Engelmann
Plant Manager
Bremervörde Print, Germany
Phone: +49 4761 860-0

Want to know more?

Thorsten Reck
H&S Manager
Bremervörde Print, Germany
Phone: +49 4761 860-0

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