RPC Superfos Balkan obtains BRC Grade AA

RPC Superfos Balkan obtains BRC Grade AA

In the High Hygiene Category of BRC Global Standard, RPC Superfos Balkan recently became certified with Grade AA. Plus, the facility now holds an ISO 9001:2015 certificate.

The high level of quality, top hygiene and conformity of products and services at our Gračanica facility in Bosnia and Herzegovina have now been certified through a freshly issued BRC Global Standard High Hygiene Category for packaging and packaging materials.

As well as achieving the prestigious BRC certificate with a remarkable Grade AA, RPC Superfos Balkan was also successful in transiting from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015.

Adnan, Imamović, Operation Director, RPC Superfos Balkan, is pleased with the positive outcome:

“These two fresh certificates demonstrate compliance with internationally recognised standards and instantly document to customers that we are a reliable packaging provider.”

For several months, managers and employees have prepared for the audit. As an example, Emina Čergič and Fatima Ibrahimović, both Quality Management Representatives, have become certified internal BRC auditors. With such solid formal in-house skills RPC Superfos Balkan ensures continued efforts and dedication to remain on top of high standards.

Please take the opportunity to check or download our certificates from our website about quality, hygiene, environment and energy.

Want to know more?

Adnan Imamović
Factory Manager
Phone: +387 61 788 491

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