RPC Responsibility Report 2018 is an informative read

RPC Responsibility Report 2018 is an informative read

Promoting progress towards Sustainable Development Goals is centre stage in the first ever RPC Responsibility Report issued this summer. The report sets out the RPC approach to doing business responsibly through the lens of our stakeholders.

We would like to share the RPC Responsibility Report 2018 with you and trust you will appreciate reading about our approach to creating a responsible and sustainable future with plastic.

The reader-friendly report gives you the full picture and includes a Q & A with Chief Executive Pim Vervaat and Industry Affairs Director David Baker.

Five focus areas
Dialogue and discussion with stakeholders have engendered five RPC focus areas which are: Designing sustainable products ─ Managing our environmental impact ─ Empowering and looking after people ─ Supporting local communities ─ Ensuring a responsible Supply Chain; all five are closely linked to our Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Promoting progress towards SDGs
You may want to learn about the RPC contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) at a glance. Then please go straight to page 3 of the Report, illustrating how the five RPC focus areas are aligned to nine relevant SDGs. Clear examples of our efforts and results are included in each section.

Further, on page 9, you will find an infographic illustrating the plastic product lifecycle; important, as we all agree that reuse, recycling and design for the circular economy is vital to build a responsible future with plastic.

Get ample information and gain insight here
RPC is well-prepared to deliver on strategy which is aligned to a sustainable future. Please read and share the new RPC Responsibility Report 2018. It allows for a more comprehensive view when people say: let’s talk about plastic.

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