Meet us at Scanpack 2012

Meet us at Scanpack 2012

RPC Superfos Region Nordic is present at Scanpack 2012 in Gothenburg, Sweden, in the beginning of October and would love to see you there.

If you were among the visitors at the last Scanpack trade fair in 2009, you are much likely to come back for the next exciting exhibition in late October this year. Statistics has it that 97 per cent of the visitors from 2009 plan to come back. Count on us, RPC Superfos Region Nordic will be there, too.

Get light weight and long shelf life
We cordially invite you to come to Hall S01:02 at Scanpack, Scandinavia’s largest packaging fair. The sales and marketing team from RPC Superfos Region Nordic looks forward to meeting you under the orange and grey RPC logo.

“RPC Superfos has a lot of know-how and innovative responses to the demands of fillers, end users and political decision makers. At the Scanpack trade fair we present samples of our packaging solutions for both the food and non-food industry,” says Sales Director, Per Sollenby.

“We experience an increased interest in food packaging that offers long shelf life. Our flagship here is the packaging solution SuperLock. Its unique oxygen barrier and membrane sealing ensures extremely low oxygen transmission rates. This means many obvious advantages for the distributor and for the consumers at home. Also, long shelf life contributes to reducing food waste.”

Packaging should give you logistical advantages both in terms of stacking the goods and transporting them. Generally speaking, a lighter packaging means economical and practical benefits. For the food industry, the pot SuperLight is a fantastic option, as the weight is up to 30 per cent below conventional packaging material.

Heavy stuff needs smart packaging
Scanpack 2012 is also an opportunity for you to learn more about our great solutions for industrial goods. For building materials, paint and garden products, the square or rectangular container SuperCube is a space efficient solution. SuperCube has a hassle-free opening, no sharp edges and is available in a metallic look.

SuperLift is another interesting solution for the industrial segment. It is available in an extensive range of sizes and offers outstanding decoration options. As the handle is on the collar, there is a big space for visual communication. But this is not all, as General Sales Manager Jørgen Bitsch points out:

“SuperLift is particularly interesting if you care about sustainability because it is available with recycled material injected between layers of virgin PP. This means that it lowers the carbon footprint. According to our CO2 calculations, it provides for a 7 per cent reduction.”

Virtual and revolving samples on-line
RPC Superfos is proud to demonstrate a new on-line service at Scanpack. It is called TurnAvisual and makes it easier for producers, brand owners and designers to create, test and adapt new packaging designs. Make a few online selections and uploads and see your artwork on the packaging in 3D. A revolving, virtual sample will immediately be ready for you to assess - and to share online with other decision makers 24/7. 

Increased possibilities with thermoforming
RPC Bebo will join the RPC Superfos Region Nordic team during the exhibition and will be represented by Sales Manager Agnar Eriksen. RPC Bebo is specialised in thermoforming.

“RPC Bebo offers innovative thermoforming solutions to the food industry. These are complementary to injection moulded packaging and comprise our patented pre-printed lid Bebo Print as well as high barrier solutions for processed foods,” says Agnar Eriksen who is ready to explore the options with you at Scanpack.  

Scanpack takes place from 23 to 26 October and attracts more than 15, 000 international visitors – including you, hopefully!

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I’m all round - ideal for both heavy and light content. My protective collar keeps me in shape no matter what you put me through. Get to know me better...

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