Let’s talk about sustainability at Scanpack 2018

Let’s talk about sustainability at Scanpack 2018

RPC Superfos, RPC Kolding and RPC Kambo jointly host a stand at Northern Europe’s No. 1 packaging exhibition plus a sustainability event. Please make sure to visit us at Scanpack, Gothenburg, booth D02:22 – we very much look forward to meeting you.

Shortly, doors will open to Northern Europe’s most important packaging trade fair: Scanpack in Gothenburg, Sweden, is on from 23 to 26 October 2018. We warmly welcome you at booth D02:22 which we share with our sister companies RPC Kolding and RPC Kambo, belonging to RPC M&H Division.

Plastic delivers a strong performance
The central focus of our part of the exhibition is sustainability and the role of plastic in a circular economy.

Søren Marcussen, Regional Director Nordic of RPC Superfos explains:

“Food and non-food producers must make sensible packaging choices, both from an economic and environmental point of view. Getting the full picture is important, including consideration of life cycle analyses − from production and transportation to recycling. Here, plastic delivers a strong performance. Plastic consumes little energy in the production process and is lightweight, which positively impacts transportation, both concerning the environment and the economy.”

“Like any responsible business, creating a sustainable future for generations to come is a core commitment of RPC Superfos. Sustainability underscores everything we do – both the products we manufacture and the way we run our operations. We work to ensure that we meet all our own environmental responsibilities and, likewise, our customers achieve theirs,” he adds.

Our packaging solutions help you become more sustainable
Plastic packaging protects and preserves your products. Plastic is a resource efficient material. It is lightweight, secure, versatile, durable − and key for reducing food waste as it enables long shelf life. Production of plastic products uses far less energy than comparable materials − and plastic components weigh 50% less than similar components made from other materials.

Side event about a greener way
As a side event at the packaging exhibition, RPC Superfos, RPC Kolding and RPC Kambo have invited Maria Wetterstrand, a former political spokesperson of the Swedish Green Party, to give an inspiring speech about sustainability and environmental issues. Group Sustainability Manager Katherine Fleet, RPC Group, will addresses the targets, efforts and results achieved by RPC Group.

Just ask us
Please visit our booth D02:22 to learn more about how we can help you to create a packaging solution which allows for cost-efficiency, optimal protection of your product and a high degree of environmental benefits.

“Our presence at Scanpack is a perfect opportunity to catch up on current trends in sustainable development. We look forward to advising on biopolymer, recycled plastics and reusable packaging. All queries are welcome – we are ready to answer questions about the full range from hands-on packaging solutions to climate change and the circular economy in relation to plastic packaging,” says Søren Marcussen.

Want to know more?

Roland Lingman
Key Account Director
Global Accounts
Phone: +46 510 310 000

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