Innovation 2010: Superfos nominated by Pack Experts Committee

Innovation 2010: Superfos nominated by Pack Experts Committee

A newly created Pack Experts Committee has nominated the co-injection process as one of seven ‘Coup de Coeur’ packaging solution concepts and products.

For the first time in the history of Salon Emballage, an exclusive Committee consisting of packaging experts from ten world famous international groups have met in Paris to select the innovations 2010 shown at Emballage 2010. These leading groups represent important lines of business such as food, health, and industrial products and among them are giants like Carrefour, Danone and Nestlé France.

As one of seven selected products and processes, Superfos’ co-injection process has been nominated as a Coup de Coeur. The seven have been selected out of a pool of 47 entries.

Recycled material inside

“Being nominated as one of seven favourites selected by such a respectable group of professional is a great honour and emphasises our innovative profile,” says Regional Sales Director from Superfos Laurent Morel and explains the principles of the co-injection process:

“What we have here is a method that makes it possible to combine two different materials for one single packaging with only one of them being visible or in contact with our customers’ products. You may want to use the picture of a sandwich to illustrate the concept: Between the virgin PP raw material we inject recycled post consumer material. Actually, between 30 to 40 per cent of the packaging may consist of non-virgin PP material. Even though this may appear as a lot, it does not change either the internal or the external aspects of the packaging.”

Outstanding brand display

The method doesn’t change the colour of the packaging which can be printed in good conditions. All the outstanding graphic options of the IML packaging are 100 per cent preserved, which is a highly appreciated feature for manufacturers who wish to display their brand in the best way to the end-users.

Reduced carbon footprint

The co-injection process was developed in cooperation with the French injection machine producer Billion. Applying the method means a significant reduction in the carbon footprint of the packaging and is a brilliant way to apply recycled material. Calculations made by Superfos indicate a 7 to 10% reduction of the CO2 footprint, depending on the size of the packaging and the amount of recycled material.

Pack Experts Criteria

The packaging experts, all representing the producer side, have worked in the Pack Experts Committee following three dimensions: The all across economic dimension, the environmental and the social dimension. 

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