ISO 14001 certification in La Genête

ISO 14001 certification in La Genête

The environmental impact of RPC Superfos’ activities is continually measured and improved. Most recently, our facility in La Genête, France, has become certified according to ISO 14001.

RPC Superfos always looks at ways to strengthen its environmental performance. Most recently, our production facility in La Genête, France, has qualified for ISO 14001 certification.

Factory Manager Sebastien Morey from RPC Superfos La Genête says:

“At our production facility in La Genête we have been working determinedly with the environmental aspects over a longer period of time. Now we have received an ISO 14001 certificate stating that we follow a framework and seek for continual improvement in this field. It demonstrates our commitment to environmental management.”

Efficient use of resources
RPC Superfos has production facilities all over Europe and regularly invests in environmentally responsible facility governance. The overall aim is to protect the environment by reducing waste and energy consumption.

“As a successful business, we want to use our resources efficiently. This applies to energy, water, post-consumer materials and many other aspects. Identifying and controlling what we do is an inherent part of our strategy and helps us deliver high quality packaging solutions in a more sustainable way,” says Divisional Quality Manager, Michał Kamiński from RPC Superfos.

Including the recent certification, RPC Superfos now holds six ISO 14001 Certificates. ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) is an independent, non-governmental membership organisation and the world's largest developer of voluntary international standards.

Associated files

Want to know more?

Sebastien Morey
Operations Director
Berry Superfos
Phone: +33 385 32 2755

Want to know more?

Michał Kamiński
Regulatory Compliance Manager
Berry Superfos
Phone: +48 54 429 10 00

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