Health & safety: RPC Superfos Poland in top tier

Health & safety: RPC Superfos Poland in top tier

A national Polish competition about Health & Safety at work celebrates leading examples of companies which create outstanding working conditions. RPC Superfos Poland is top ranked.

Focus on health and safety at work at the RPC Superfos facility in Lubien, Poland, has led to a great result in a yearly national competition organised by the Polish National Labour Law Inspection. In the 250 plus employee category –  and competing with about 20 contestants – the RPC Superfos facility came in second, which is a most welcome advance compared to last year’s already successful third place.

The overall goal of the competition is to increase awareness of health and safety issues at production sites and to endorse employers who make an effort in this area. In recent years, the management team and staff in Lubien have made a dedicated effort to improve health and safety to align with RPC Group standards. The factory has been audited according to the Blue Willis risk scoring model.

Tomasz Przygodzki, Factory Manager at RPC Superfos Lubien, is proud of the 2016 result:

“We are pleased that our common efforts and united approach have paid off. Moving up from third to second place in the Health & Safety competition is truly rewarding but, more importantly, it shows that this field of our business has our continuous attention.”

“A strong health and safety culture is fundamental for increased productivity performance which, in turn, allows us to be a reliable packaging provider and also an attractive workplace. We will not rest on our laurels,” he adds.

Want to know more?

Tomasz Przygodzki
Factory Manager
Lubień Kujawski, Poland
Phone: +48 54 429 10 00

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