Gold & silver awards for In-Mould labels

Gold & silver awards for In-Mould labels

Through two label suppliers, RPC Superfos has spooned in three prizes at the 2017 IMDA Awards Competition, United States. The gold and silver awards emphasise the technical capabilities and properties of the In-Mould Labelling used for the high-quality RPC Superfos packaging solutions.

Three outstanding awards on one occasion is the result for RPC Superfos in the 2017 IMDA Awards Competition, run by the In-Mould Decorating Association, United States. The newly held award ceremony turns the spotlight on packaging solutions from RPC Superfos, as they now share silver and gold awards in recognition of their IML (In-Mould Labelling).

Best Product Family – Gold
The Gold Award, Best Product Family, went to the SuperLock® pot with IML and oxygen barrier protection; an attractive re-closable solution providing soups and baby food from Orkla Foods with long shelf life, even under ambient temperatures. The label supplier is Korsini SAF, headquartered in Turkey, while the packaging is produced at RPC Superfos Besançon, France.

Best Injection Moulded Package – Silver
The Best Injection Moulded Package, Silver Award, is a pot used by brand owner Cool Vega for soups, produced by RPC Superfos Pamplona, Spain. It is also a SuperLock® packaging solution; this one consists of a combination of an injection and IML autoclave resistant oxygen barrier label pot, and an injected twist lock system lid decorated with a standard IML label from Korsini-SAF.

Best Part Design – Silver
A bespoke dessert pot, developed and produced by RPC Superfos Mullsjö, Sweden, on behalf of Finish Valio, was also recognised with a Silver Award in the category Best Part Design. To convey the premium quality of their panna cotta dessert, Valio opted for an IML decoration. The labels are strong, hygienic and resistant to moisture and extreme temperature fluctuations, and from Verstraete, Belgium.

Received with thanks and pride
Pierre Maillot, Divisional Purchasing Manager of RPC Superfos, is very pleased with all three awards:

“Finding the right IML suppliers, creating outstanding packaging solutions with them for the benefit of our customers is rewarding in itself, however, it is even more enjoyable to receive common public recognition for our efforts at the 2017 IMDA Awards Competition. We always strive to work with the best, and value our great business relationship with both Verstraete and Korsini ‒ we are so proud of all three awards.”

Want to know more?

Pierre Maillot
Purchasing Manager
Berry Superfos
Phone: +33 385 32 2755

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