French Packaging Award goes to SuperLock

French Packaging Award goes to SuperLock

The plastic pot SuperLock® from RPC Superfos has just received a French packaging award for its outstanding barrier properties and user friendliness. The prize was awarded to the RPC Superfos at Salon Emballage 2012 in Paris.

The packaging solution SuperLock® received a French packaging award at Salon Emballage 2012 in Paris. The international award in the Consumer Goods Section, subsection Foodstuff, underpins the remarkable qualities of SuperLock® developed and made by RPC Superfos. The pot is a result of our persistent efforts in the fields of research, innovation, efficiency and inventiveness.

Innovative plastic pot offers very long shelf life
SuperLock® went all the way because the pot offers very long shelf life for many types of convenience food. Traditionally, these are not packed in plastic. The light-weight, injected moulded plastic container is available with barrier protection on all surfaces of the packaging and it is also membrane sealed. The combination of the two properties ensures an almost non-existent oxygen transmission. It means that convenience food can stay on shelf twice as long – or even three times longer - than in reference packaging. Further, SuperLock® offers eye-catching decoration options and is very user friendly, not least because of the twist-off screw-on lid. The jury attached special importance to the fact that the pot is practical, convenient and easy to use.

Suits many types of food
Food producers from a broad range of segments are already enjoying the many great properties of the packaging. SuperLock® is on shelves all over Europe filled with food products such as fruit desserts, nuts, vegetable spreads, dairy products, pickles, dips and sourdough.

“We have won a wonderful prize of great renown. The award underlines our innovative level and we are very honoured to be among the chosen few,” says Regional Sales Director, Laurent Morel from RPC Superfos Region French.

A total of 108 candidates were running for the award, hoping to get one of the 17 awards which have been awarded to prize winners in various categories. The winners were selected by a high level jury assisted by top professional members of the international packaging community.

To date, SuperLock® has received no less than five international awards besides the new award, Award 2012 de l’Emballage.

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