Facility in Poland is now ISO 14001 certified

Facility in Poland is now ISO 14001 certified

Our facility in Lubien, Poland has obtained an ISO 14001 certificate for its environmental management.

Environmental stewardship is among RPC Superfos’ priorities for the management of our production facilities. Therefore, we are proud to announce that our facility in Lubien, Poland, has for the first time obtained an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certificate.

We are environmentally responsible
The certification supports that our facility governance is environmentally responsible. The ISO 14001 certificate offers a framework for a holistic, strategic approach to our environmental policy, plans and actions:

“The RPC Group and our customers are vigilant to minimise the environmental impact of our activities within the whole supply chain. For instance, we aim at reducing the carbon footprint by offering innovative product design, because the shape of the packaging has a significant impact on logistics and transport. Further we strive to re-use heat, reduce fuel and electricity usage and apply post consumer materials. The ISO 14001 certificate makes it easier for us to communicate about this high level of environmental management,” explains Tomasz Przygodski, Factory Manager at Lubien, Region Central.

Complete range expected 2013
Our facilities La Genête in France and Pamplona in Spain are currently implementing the necessary steps to obtain an ISO 14001 certification as well. As such, we expect a complete set of ISO 14001 certificates for all the RPC Superfos facilities within the next year.

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Want to know more?

Tomasz Przygodzki
Factory Manager
Lubień Kujawski, Poland
Phone: +48 54 429 10 00

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