Apprentices at Berry Superfos win medals

Apprentices at Berry Superfos win medals

For two consecutive years, apprentices at the Berry Superfos facility in Denmark have been selected to be among the best apprentices of the year by the regional medal fund. One explanation is the valuable learning environment within the company.

Two of our young employees in Randers, Denmark, finished their skilled trades studies brilliantly by being hand-picked to be among the region’s best and brightest apprentices in 2021: Nicolaj Berg, plastic processing technician, and Bo Bjerregaard, automation technician.

They were both awarded medals by the Danish Industry and Crafts Medal Fund which every year selects the region of East Jutland’s best apprentices in order to encourage more young people to pursue a skilled trades career.

Nicolaj Berg and Bo Bjerregaard received the medals for excelling academically and also performing really well socially at the company where they were doing their apprenticeships – that is, Berry Superfos.

It was a repeat of last year’s success when another apprentice, plastic processing technician Daniel Filtenborg Binder, was awarded a regional medal as 2020 apprentice of the year.

Jon Christensen, project support, and in charge of Berry Superfos Randers’ apprentice program, says:

“We get a lot out of hiring young apprentices at Berry Superfos. In our experience, they are highly motivated people who do their jobs extremely well. They even challenge us and offer a new perspective on  many tasks.”

A great learning environment
Christina Vedstesen, technician and team leader for technical personnel, including apprentices, at Berry Superfos Randers says:

“Apprentices at Berry Superfos Randers get to do work that they are not allowed to do in other companies. They get to work with machines, moulds and robots and take on huge responsibilities. And we have been really lucky to have some premium apprentices in recent years.”

The two medal winners agree that Berry Superfos Randers offers a really stimulating and open learning environment.

Nicolaj Berg says: “I have had a great time as an apprentice at Berry Superfos. Not least thanks to my supportive colleagues who showed real confidence in my skills. Besides, I always find my tasks at Berry Superfos challenging and exciting.”

Bo Bjerregaard says: “The automation technician education is aimed at industrial companies and covers a wide spectrum of areas. Berry Superfos is one of the few companies that can offer apprentices such as myself the opportunity to become acquainted with all of these areas. Further, Berry Superfos provided a strong structure for learning throughout the education process with clear support from top management.”

Want to know more?

Hanne Bloch Andreasen
Site Manager
Randers, Denmark
Phone: +45 8710 1112

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