An amazing achievement: 2,000 days of safety

An amazing achievement: 2,000 days of safety

This summer, Superfos Blackburn, UK, has reached the remarkable milestone of an impressive 2,000 days of continued production without a reportable lost time accident. Safety is key for all, customers included.

During more than five and a half years, there has not been any reportable lost time accident at the Superfos facility in Blackburn, UK. This outstanding safety mark relies on serious dedication to safety requirements, fulfilled by employees, managers, contractors and visitors alike.

The 2,000-day milestone demonstrates that Superfos is a very stable and efficient plastic packaging supplier, delivering on time and in full. This important benefit for customers goes hand in hand with the obvious and fundamental pillar of our production: the safety of all our employees.

2,000 days and still counting
Paul Davis, Health & Safety Officer at the Blackburn facility, says that he is exceptionally proud of the high level of continued safety:

“Our strong common health and safety focus fully depends on the daily efforts of each and every single employee at Superfos Blackburn, acting alone or in teams. We have reasons to be proud. A big thanks goes to all at the site, because the milestone would not have been possible without their positive attitude and careful actions. In any event, we do not rest on our laurels; hitting the big 2,000 only encourages us to go even further.”

Andy Bloor is Regional Director Superfos UK. He agrees and adds:

“The safety of our employees is paramount, and when there is no reportable accident, our customers get their packaging according to plan. So, there is in fact no reason at all not to give health and safety matters full priority.”

Protecting you, me and the environment
The Superfos Blackburn facility manufactures packaging solutions for food and non-food products and holds the following certifications: ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management), BRC (Hygiene and Quality) ISO 50001 (Energy Management).

The news about the 2,000 days at Blackburn happily coincides with the yearly group-wide RPC Safety week. In 2018, particular attention is given to safety from 14 to 21 October 2018 under the slogan ‘Protecting you, me and the environment’. Circa 25,000 employees worldwide work at companies belonging to the RPC Group.

Want to know more?


Want to know more?

Paul Davis
Health & Safety Officer
Blackburn, UK
Phone: +44 1254 682298

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