News archive

  • Plastic and sustainability: Don’t miss the quiz

    Did you take our five-question-quiz about plastic and sustainability? It is not too late − you can still give it give a go and test your knowledge. With this quiz we want to make some important facts available in a slightly entertaining way.

  • How Superfos contributes to the circular economy

    Our Group has created a unique grading tool as an easy visual guide to indicate recyclability and other circular economy benefits of packaging designs. The implementation of the tool throughout Superfos is just one example of how we contribute to the development of the circular economy.

  • Superfos for Heinz: Best Label Design Winner

    Via the label supplier Korsini, Superfos has received an award for Best Label Design at the 2019 IMDA Awards Competition in the United States. The winner label is made for Heinz soup pots and showcases the cutting-edge In-Mould Labelling technique from Superfos.

  • Ready for a quiz about plastic and sustainability?

    If you would like to test your knowledge about plastic and sustainability, you have come to the right place. We have prepared a short and engaging quiz for you. Challenge yourself and see if you can get a high score, maybe even 5 out of 5 correct answers. Ready?

  • Successful Open-Door Day at Superfos La Genête

    As part of the annual Industry Week in France, Superfos opened its doors for a day to the public. Around 400 visitors seized the opportunity to get an inside view of the modern facility.

  • Superfos provides politicians with facts about plastic

    When three Danish parliamentary candidates recently visited Superfos in Stilling, they agreed that more facts are vital for an informed plastic debate.

  • New 3D Design Studio is ready for you now

    Picture this: you now have access to a new interactive online universe where you can create and share your editable Superfos packaging design with your team and colleagues. It will shave weeks of your packaging development process. Plus, it is easy and efficient to use.

  • Superfos Randers achieves 1 year without reportable accidents

    The Superfos Randers facility in Denmark has reached a milestone with one full year of continuous production without any reportable incidents. The achievement showcases our commitment to safety and punctual deliveries.

  • RPC Group gets Silver Recognition in CSR Rating 2019

    Recently, RPC Group has been granted a Silver Recognition Level in the 2019 CSR Rating from the initiative Together for Sustainability (TfS). Behind TfS are several major international chemical companies who are endorsing sustainable supply chains.

  • Let’s meet and talk about sustainability at Cfia Rennes 2019

    Do you want to know more about how packaging can reduce food waste? Or are you looking for ways to cut CO2 emissions? Then please visit our stand Hall 10 G45 at the Cfia trade fair 2019; this is the major event for the food processing sector in Europe. We look forward to sharing information with you about these topics.

Want to know more?

Zbigniew Hryniewicz
Sales Director
Berry Superfos
Phone: +48 54 4291000

Want to know more?

Birthe Bebe Nielsen
Product, Marketing &
Communications Director
Berry Superfos
Phone: +45 5911 1110

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Spotorno Allé 8
DK-2630 Taastrup
General Inquiries
Phone: +45 5911 1110
Fax: +45 5911 1180
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Phone: +45 5911 1110
Fax: +45 5911 1180

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