Visible salt flakes make people want to cook

Visible salt flakes make people want to cook

Spanish producer of salt Sal Costa has found an ideal packaging for its ‘Sal Essential’. It is transparent so now consumers can see the salt flakes through the packaging on the grocery store shelves.

Beautiful pyramid-shaped salt flakes make people think of fine cooking and delicious food. However, in Sal Costa’s previous packaging of carton for ‘Sal Essential’ no one could see the flakes until they had bought the salt and opened the carton. Now, thanks to a new plastic packaging, Sal Costa can render its salt flakes visible to the consumers already at the grocery store. Purchase Manager Albert Llobet from Sal Costa explains:

“The purpose of changing the packaging for Sal Essential was to get a transparent container that could present our salt flakes better. In the new packaging the product looks attractive, clean, practical and modern. It makes people want to cook and be creative.”

Smaller and easier to handle
The new packaging is the square UniPak container from RPC Superfos. Besides shifting from carton to plastic, Sal Costa has also resized the container from a 250 gr container to one of 175 gr.

“Our distributors like this packaging a lot because it looks great in their stores and thanks to the smaller format, they can sell it to more people. The salt capacity of the container is enough for at least a couple of months but at the same time the price is now more attractive due to the reduced size,” says Albert Llobet

Practical in the household
For the consumer the new container also holds many other advantages. Albert Llobet explains:

“The container is practical to use while cooking and can be handled even with wet hands. It is easy to open, and our customers no longer have to open a carton box and cut the plastic wrap first. It is easy to access and to pile on the shelves at home.”

The range of sizes and shapes of UniPak is probably the most extensive on the European market. It is a classic and very flexible solution for a broad variety of applications.

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Want to know more?

Josep Narro
Area Sales Manager
Catalunya & Eastern part
of Spain
Phone: +34 619 711 250

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