This strong appealing pot protects pure guacamole

This strong appealing pot protects pure guacamole

A minimally processed avocado product from the Spanish fruit and vegetable processor Avomix is kept safe, tasty, and fresh in a SuperLock® pot from Superfos. The pot is strong enough to withstand high pressure processing, eliminating the need for additives and preservatives.

Imagine the lush green countryside south of Malaga, where the Sierra Nevada mountain range creates an ideal microclimate for tropical vegetation. Now imagine the taste of the avocados growing here in this beautiful area of Spain and, lastly, imagine that you can experience the same high-quality taste from a readymade pure and fresh guacamole in a SuperLock® pot from Superfos, a Berry Global company.

Actually, you can, as this taste sensation is readily available, thanks to the pioneering Spanish processor of tropical fruit, Avomix. For more than 15 years, the company has been virtuously favoring simplicity in its products. Juan Antonio Reyes, CEO of Avomix, explains:

“At Avomix, we focus on putting the most natural products on the market. We want to promote healthy eating through our balanced and all-natural products with no additives, no added sugar, and no preservatives. To this end, the packaging of our products, such as that for guacamole, plays a vital role.”

High pressure processing
Avomix uses high pressure processing (HPP) which entails minimally processed avocado products with longer shelf life. HPP inactivates vegetative microorganisms – for instance bacteria, yeasts or fungi potentially found in food products - without compromising the taste, smell, and visual experience.

Natural products which are processed like this need a packaging solution which can resist the very high pressure transmitted by water. At the same time, the pack must look attractive in the retail cold counter.

SuperLock® protects and projects a great look
Avomix opted for the SuperLock® pot with a twist-off lid, made with 100% polypropylene which is a recyclable material. The non-barrier In-Mould Labels with special dyes and lacquers are from the label supplier Verstraete IML in Belgium.

"For us, it is important that our packaging is of the same high-quality as our guacamole. We are pleased with the SuperLock® pot. It perfectly meets our expectations; it is strong and looks appealing. Plus, we appreciate the lid, which is easily put back on the pot once opened by the end user. This feature additionally protects the refrigerated guacamole after it has been partially consumed,” Juan Antonio Reyes points out.

A few crucial details of the packaging solution were finalised in close collaboration between Avomix, Superfos and Verstraete IML, resulting in a moisture and pressure resistant, user-friendly pot with a captivating fresh look.

Now go on: imagine you twist off the lid and you sense the grassy, nutty, and fresh taste of the Avomix avocado, grown on rich soil under the generous Spanish sun. Enjoy.

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Want to know more?

Daniel Barrero
Area Sales Manager
Southern part of Spain
Phone: +34 629 517 113

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