Plastic pot peps up pulp

Plastic pot peps up pulp

A family-size plastic packaging for fruit pulp was the choice of French food producer Charles & Alice, when the company wanted to revitalise compote. Their choice looks promising.

It was a novelty when fruit compotes from the company Charles & Alice hit the French market earlier this year. Not only are the recipes fresh and new, also the size and the nature of the packaging are innovative and different.

Great content and packaging
Charles & Alice produces their fruit compotes without sweeteners, preservatives or colours. Examples of the selection of ten different fruit compotes are original blends like apple, pear & chestnut cream or apple & fig. The ready-made quality fruits compotes make it easier for everyone to get the right amount of daily fruit intake.

The way to reach out to customers and retailers went through a SuperLock pot of 535 gr. According to Product Manager Aurélie Chauffaille from Charles & Alice, the generous size helps targeting families. She explains:

“Our product is for the entire family. It may be shared and savoured together at any time of the day or enjoyed bit by bit. It is a key advantage to set yourself apart from competitors on the market and this exactly what we do by using the 535 gr size – it is completely new in connection with fruit compotes in France.”

Gives an up-to-date sensation
Fruit does not grow all year, so the long shelf life – up to 12 months - that the SuperLock pot guarantees for the compote is crucial; oxygen rates are almost non-existent. Another positive feature that Aurélie Chauffaile points out is the easy opening and re-closing mechanism of the SuperLock pot:

“The twist-off screw-on lid is very user friendly and makes a sound when the lid is closed. It is very much like the one you know from a glass jar, but the general feel and sensation from the SuperLock packaging is more up-to-date in our view and more convenient,” Aurélie Chauffaille says and adds:

“The pot has given us easier access to be included in the retailers’ product range. Retailers like to put the pretty plastic pots with our compotes on shelf and it seems like the end-users are convinced of its qualities in the same way.”

High expectations have been met
Charles & Alice is happy with the cooperation with their new packaging provider. Aurélie Chauffaille sums it up in this way:

“Though there have been a few challenges, we are very satisfied with the responsiveness demonstrated by the RPC Superfos team. We have worked closely together on this project and at the end of the day we have reached a result which corresponds to our expectations. Admittedly, these are sometimes quite high so the project shows the truly professional attitude of RPC Superfos.”

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