New paint bucket has modern look and works better

New paint bucket has modern look and works better

Paint from Nirlat, one of the leading paint companies in Israel, now comes in a bucket that essentially looks as it always has, yet in terms of functionality and on shelf presence, it offers new benefits. A bespoke solution from Superfos delivered the improvements.

The Purchasing Department is content; the Logistics Department is impressed and the Marketing Department pleased. This is the current picture at Nirlat, a leading company in Israel. Not long ago, Nirlat turned to Superfos to upgrade their packaging range with a new paint bucket that meets the company’s needs for a modern alternative to an existing solution.

Key corporate functions are highly satisfied
Shir Zakai, VP Marketing at Nirlat, explains:

“The shape and size of the paint bucket had to remain practically unchanged but with a modern look and it was also crucial to us to keep the yellow lid and the broad rim with the integral grips. However, in many aspects, we have been able to make improvements through the cooperation with Superfos.”

“The new bucket and lid have an opening and re-closure mechanism which is better than before; the In-Mould Labelling technique ensures a premium quality look rendering beautiful colours and, not least, the buckets are easy to stack - empty or filled. From purchasing over logistics to marketing, we are all highly satisfied with the solution from Superfos.”

Heading for success
Nirlat has only recently put their paint in the new pack on the market and, as such, it is too early to really asses market reactions. Nevertheless, no negative reaction is also a reaction according to Shir Zakai:

“People tend to react negatively to changes in general; this time we have not heard a word from wholesalers, professional painters or others, so we allow ourselves to conclude that no active response equals positive feedback. We trust we are heading for a success.”

Bespoke solution with FlakeFree® 
The new packaging solution is an injection moulded 18 litres plastic bucket with metal handles on the side, produced with a bespoke mould which combines some features from a few unique product lines from Superfos (SuperLift®, Hobbock, SuperFlex® and SuperFlex® Extra). Further, it includes the clever FlakeFree® feature on lid and pail; a granular texture, which prevents dry paint flakes from falling into the content ‒ and thereby eliminating the moments of irritation which flakes trigger.

Nirlat provides wholesalers with paints and coatings as well as related products such as sealing for exterior and interior use. The primary end-user is the professional painter, but the DIY segment is also included in the customer base. All of them can now benefit from the enhanced paint bucket.

Want to know more?

Benno Boris Šilec
Sales Director Food Retail
Adriatic region, Austria & Switzerland
Phone: +386 41 672 455

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