New pack creates brand awareness among chefs

New pack creates brand awareness among chefs

Frozen seafood from the Spanish company Original Gourmet now comes in a rectangular bucket from Superfos. It clearly displays the trademark and stays around in professional kitchens, as chefs re-use the handy pack when emptied.

You cannot put your brand on a frozen scallop or a frozen lobster, but you can make sure that your brand is clearly displayed on their packaging. With this in mind, Marc Gordó Badia, Entrepreneur and CEO of Original Gourmet, Spain, turned to Superfos for a new packaging solution to replace cardboard boxes for this type of seafood.

New lasting impressions
The frozen scallops and lobsters are from Canada – they are wild, sustainable and all natural – and sold to numerous hotels and restaurants under the trademark Premium Shellfish®. According to Marc Gordó Badia the packaging upgrade has clear benefits:

“Our products lost their identity the very moment they were taken out of the cardboard box; a packaging without potential for second use. Now thanks to the SuperCube® bucket our brand Premium Shellfish® makes an excellent first impression and stays in the professional kitchens also after the original content has been consumed.” He explains:

“The buckets are very convenient and are used again and again. The second life of our buckets supports our marketing efforts and helps us to create awareness for our brand among chefs and their teams.”

The pack is a novelty for seafood
Original Gourmet opted for the injection moulded rigid SuperCube® pack with a rectangular shape in two sizes: 3.8 litres and 5.8 litres. Both sizes offer a large uninterrupted area for decoration and branding. Advanced In-Mould Labelling technique renders an attractive and flawless look.

“Superfos has met all our requirements for our Premium Shellfish® product line. We highly appreciate that our packs are embellished with top quality, scratch resistant In-Mould Label decorations. All our customers have congratulated us on our packaging which is a novelty in our product category,” says Marc Gordó Badia who also values the level of support his company has received from Superfos in connection with swapping cardboard boxes with plastic buckets.

“Right from the start, we received full support from Superfos; an important fact for a small company like ours. We got valuable advice for introducing our new type of pack to our supply chain and all along our cooperation Superfos has met our needs and ensured perfect timing.”

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Want to know more?

Josep Narro
Area Sales Manager
Catalunya & Eastern part
of Spain
Phone: +34 619 711 250

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